sábado, 7 de julio de 2007


Otra buena noticia para mi.

Available this fall on Xbox 360, Virtual Fighter 5 will ship with some newly enhanced features including two-player versus mode via Xbox Live, leaderboard stats, and controller rumble.

The 360 version also includes new play modes, fighter customizations, and the chance to win in-game money to purchase digital goods at an in-game shop.

"For a lot of very good reasons, Virtua Fighter 5 is regarded as the deepest and most revered fighting game available on next generation consoles", Sega said in a statement. "Bringing Virtua Fighter 5 to the Xbox 360 will not only capture an entirely new audience, but will allow gamers to show their Virtua Fighter skills online against friends and foes".

sábado, 30 de junio de 2007

SOUL CALIBUR 4 para PS3 y 360

Tenia mucho por poner esta gran noticia pero e tenido mucho trabajo, asi es SOUL CALIBUR 4 ya esta en camino y para mi gran satisfaccion, sadra en 360, solo espero que por Dios le modifiquen ese maldito sistema de Gardimpacts y que los desarolladores lo pulan mas ante de sacarlo al aire para que no tenga los mismos glitches de siempre. por lo demas IVY esta como el buen vino mientras mas pasa el tiempo mejor se pone.

lunes, 4 de junio de 2007

Highlander: The Search for Vengeance

Este año me ha dado muchas sorpresas en el campo de la Animacion, parece ser que los Gringos estan volviendo al cause es decir como antes, mandar a hacer las animaciones a donde quien las sabe hacer, Highlander: The Search for Vengeance es otro ejemplo al igual que Witchblade anime,; no puedo negar lo exitado que me senti al ver que el director de esta pelicula no es nada mas ni nada menos que Kawajiri Yoshiaki el director de Vampire Hunter D Blooddlust y Ninja Scroll sin mas que decir que son mis dos peliculas animadas favoritas. junto con la fulminante animacion de MADHOUSE esta movie sera todo un clasico.

sábado, 26 de mayo de 2007


Navengando por hay me encontre otra pagina Dominicana de Fighters, esta es DOMINICAN CALIBUR, me alegre mucho pq ya se que no estamos tan solos.

miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2007

Afro Samurai (Director's Cut)

Ya salio el DVD de Afro,ya era hora,no veo la hora de bajarlo ^_^ aqui pongo parte de lo que digeron en IGN

May 22, 2007 - On January 4th, 2007, SPIKE TV brought a new and bold animated show to its network. Taking a dare to back a five episode anime mini-series, in which each episode would cost about a million dollars, Afro Samurai would have to work hard to prove that it was worth the amount of money put into the venture. Fortunately for SPIKE this show is gorgeous, with an amazing soundtrack and some of the best voice acting that we have heard from an animated program in some time.The show follows the Afro Samurai, a cold stoic killer, on his quest to avenge his father's death. Accompanying Afro on this quest is the obnoxious loud mouth Ninja Ninja - who as it seems is Afro's only friend.

Along Afro's journey we find a cast of characters that help him as well as plot the demise of the warrior. Searching for Justice, the man who killed his father and the man holding the number one headband, Afro must defeat every contender that comes to take his number two head band. With a basic story of revenge, you can expect that there is a lot of (gory) action to be found in this story.

martes, 22 de mayo de 2007

HALO 3 saldra con los mismo graficos de la BETA

No se pero BUNGIE me tiene chivo, con HALO 3, que maldito quille con una entrvista que vi en GAME INFORMER hijos de puta, con tanta pasta que le sacan a HAlO y no se dignan a ponerle un mortor grafico que este a la altura, por eso me pase a GEAR of WARS, como se to el mundo ta loko con esta BETA no hay pagina que no este full de info de HALO, pa los que tiran.

SHITTTT esa habilidad de coger torretas ta heavy y mas que la camara cambia a 3ra persona ALA GEARS of WARS

Mi Test de Soul Calibur

Both mysterious and attractive, you captivate people with the fact that you seem to be good at everything! Spending quiet moments with a friend and talking about what life means to you is your ideal situation. You don't like to stand out very much and you seem to be more old-fashioned than modern, but when you do take the spotlight -- you command the floor!
Which Soul Calibur character are you?
this quiz was made by david park

You Tube Time

Videos! Videos! mas Videos!


Highlander: the search for vengeance: new trailer!

Omega Mitsurugi no hay mas que decir