martes, 22 de mayo de 2007

HALO 3 saldra con los mismo graficos de la BETA

No se pero BUNGIE me tiene chivo, con HALO 3, que maldito quille con una entrvista que vi en GAME INFORMER hijos de puta, con tanta pasta que le sacan a HAlO y no se dignan a ponerle un mortor grafico que este a la altura, por eso me pase a GEAR of WARS, como se to el mundo ta loko con esta BETA no hay pagina que no este full de info de HALO, pa los que tiran.

SHITTTT esa habilidad de coger torretas ta heavy y mas que la camara cambia a 3ra persona ALA GEARS of WARS

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Mi Test de Soul Calibur

Both mysterious and attractive, you captivate people with the fact that you seem to be good at everything! Spending quiet moments with a friend and talking about what life means to you is your ideal situation. You don't like to stand out very much and you seem to be more old-fashioned than modern, but when you do take the spotlight -- you command the floor!
Which Soul Calibur character are you?
this quiz was made by david park

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Highlander: the search for vengeance: new trailer!

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